When your body holds on to too much fluid, you may experience uncomfortable side effects like bloating and weight gain - an experience that is all-too-common during pregnancy. Regardless of where the water retention is occurring in the body, this herbal combination may help the body flush it out. This herbal combination can help support healthy fluid balance by encouraging elimination via the kidneys.
This formula may address water retention anywhere in the body for anyone at any time in their life. It may help flush the urinary tract, kidneys, and lymph systems. This may be especially helpful when there is any discomfort in these body systems.
There are several other reasons this formula may be useful while the body is experiencing excess fluid buildup. This could be from allergies, infections, obesity, or issues with the capillaries, kidneys, or heart. Although this formula may not be able to help with any chronic underlying health conditions, it may be able to reduce minor swelling.

Cleavers herb:
Herbalists have long regarded cleavers as a valuable lymphatic tonic and diuretic. The entire plant can be used from the leaves to the roots. It is harvested just before it blooms in early summer.

Dandelion leaf:
Dandelions are a rich source of vitamins A, B complex, and C, as well as minerals such as iron, potassium, and zinc. They are used to support the liver and gall bladder, promote digestion, and support the detoxification process. The leaves are particularly effective for supporting healthy fluid elimination.

European Elderflower:
Similar to the berry of this plant, the Elderflower provides benefits for immune support. With antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, it may be particularly helpful for respiratory system support. It also has diuretic and digestive support properties.

Sarsaparilla root:
May bind to toxins that cause irritation and mild inflammation and eliminate them from the body. May stimulate the production of urine to eliminate waste products.

Yarrow leaf & flower:
Helps promote gastrointestinal health. The herb has a toning effect on the body and supports the release of excess fluids.